Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Looking for a conservative holiday

Got quite a few things on the plate this week.

First of all, I’m happy that the Texas Rangers earned their first ever trip to the World Series. Actually, I’m only happy for Nolan Ryan and Josh Hamilton. I’m usually an Astros fan.

Ryan, who is one of the best pitchers to ever toss a ball, played for the Texas Rangers when he was younger. He also just became part owner of the team a few months ago.

Hamilton? Well, you have to love his story. This guy went from a self-described crack head and alcoholic just a few years ago to one of the best hitters in the league. His teammates think so much of him that instead of celebrating with champagne after the game like every other team in history, they used ginger-ale.

The only problem I have with Hamilton is his post-game speech. I felt the same way about Colt McCoy last year, and every other athlete who keeps putting God in their speeches. Look, I’m not a religious guy so maybe I’m not the one who should talk about this. But if there is a God, I doubt very seriously he cares whether or not somebody wins or loses a game.

Speaking of religious views, I’ll be glad when the political season is over. Along with the tacky signs in yards and the never-ending commercials, you also have to deal with phone calls nowadays. I was watching t.v. the other night when I got one of those calls. The guy on the other end was only trying to do his job, so rather than be rude I went ahead and tried to answer his questions. Tried, I said.

One of the first questions he asked me was if I usually vote Republican or Democrat. Right off the bat, we had a problem. I’ve never voted all Republican or all Democrat. And I believe people who do are mighty close-minded. How can anyone in their right mind agree with 100% of what any political party pushes on us? For instance, when it comes to crime, the death penalty, welfare and health care, I agree with one party. But on the other hand, when it comes to gay rights, abortion, and most environmental issues I tend to agree with the other party. Even if you don’t agree with me on these issues, you have to admit that no well-rounded person agrees with everything that someone says.

And finally, let’s talk about Thanksgiving. I know that at every Thanksgiving Day dinner, someone will bring a dish that makes everyone else in the family cringe. But there’s no easy way to tell them it’s disgusting without hurting their feelings. That’s where I come in.

Maybe your aunt has a green bean casserole that has bacon bits on top, I don’t know. Whatever it is, I want you to write me and tell me all about it. You can reach me at robconews.com, shannonscasta.blogspot.com, or find me on Facebook. In my column before Thanksgiving, I’ll tell them not to make it this year. Don’t worry, I won’t put your name or theirs, I’m not trying to embarrass anyone here.

What I’ll do is say “To the lady in (whatever town) who keeps making the chocolate pecan soup/pie- Stop it. A fork doesn’t do any good here, we need a spoon, or a ladle. And why in God’s name are you putting chocolate in a pecan pie anyway? That borders on criminal.”

And crime, which you already know, is something I’m very conservative about.

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