Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Rubber ducks and house shoes…

At some point in the near future- and probably for some years to come- I will be seen walking down the street wearing pajamas, a full length robe, and house shoes. My hair will be a mess, I’ll have at least two weeks of stubble on my face at all times, and chances are I’ll be muttering incoherently for no reason whatsoever. Sort of like Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man… “Welcome, to People’s Court. Of course I’m an excellent driver. Hot water burn baby!”
Do you want to know why I’m going to be walking down the street wearing a robe, with messy hair, and babbling like a crazy person? It’s because I’m a parent, and these kids are driving me bananas.
Take for instance my bathroom. When you walk in there, thirteen rubber ducks are staring at you right in the eye. Thirteen rubber ducks. People, I’ve got thirteen rubber ducks lined up along the edge of the tub watching me do… whatever.
And I don’t know why there are thirteen rubber ducks in there. Hell, I don’t know why there are any rubber ducks in there at all. My youngest kid is nine years old, which in theory is way past rubber ducky age, right?
Speaking of the bathroom, it’s like Bed, Bath and Beyond in there. My son and I are embarrassed to even walk in. You’ve got almond and shea butter shampoo, vanilla strawberry body lotion, sweat pea body lotion, and orange hand scrubber. I’m telling you, if my two daughters walk in the same room together it smells like a dang fruit basket exploded.
And how on Earth those two girls leave the house looking so pretty in the morning is beyond me. I’m surprised they could find any clothes at all in that room. I’ve seen footage of war-torn countries that don’t look as messy as my daughters’ bedroom.
The worst thing about being a parent is that I’m so insecure about every decision I make now. I didn’t used to be this way. I used to be confident, sure of myself, maybe even a little cocky. Now I’m doing everything but flipping a coin to make important life decisions.
Should I be strict? Or should I be the cool dad that changes with the times? Should I jump in when I see a kid being taken advantage of? Or should I stand back and let them learn the hard way? Should I push them in school and sports, so they know what pressure and competition is like? Or should I let them find their own way, in their own time?
Every year you will see some great kid on Good Morning America or the Today Show that saved their allowance or kept their money from their lemonade stand all summer, and they’re donating it to a food shelter for Thanksgiving dinner or something like that. Man, I want one of those kids. How do you raise a kid like that?
Meanwhile, my oldest daughter’s whole entire day was ruined beyond devastation Monday because she had to wear her sister’s knee pads during a volleyball game. And the youngest daughter? She acted like we were asking her to donate a kidney… to a stranger. I’ve seen these two fight like deranged cats over a hair brush in the mornings.
Speaking of that, it’s time to wake them up for school. Geesh, I hope I can find a robe that matches my pajamas and house shoes.

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