Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Advice Column

Know what we haven’t done in a while? I haven’t answered any of your questions about life, love and lunatics. Let’s get to some of those.

“Booger” in Gause wants to know “Shannon, what do you think of the debt ceiling debate? And should I listen to the right or left?”

Booger, I’ll tell you what I think. I think it’s pretty funny to listen to these highly educated puppets argue, bicker and fight over something that my wife or countless other bill-paying spouses could take care of within a week. The first seven or eight years of our marriage she had to find ways every payday of paying huge bills with small paychecks, deciding which bills to pay, who to put off until next time, and exactly how much we could spend on what. And trust me, she got paid a whole lot less for her trouble than these politicians do.

Booger, try this from now on. Starting today, every time you see a politician on t.v.- republican or democrat- go to YouTube and download about thirty minutes of a comedian named George Carlin. It’ll put politics in perspective for you. It also works for the crazy Jesus nuts that get to you from time to time.

“Jealous Much?” wrote me from the northern part of the county. She says “Dear Shannon, my best friend loves to sing and she is really good. I’m afraid that when we grow up, she’ll be really famous and won’t remember me. Any advice?”

The way I see it “Jealous”, you’ve got two options here. You can either crush her voice box and make it look like an accident, or you can pay attention in school, get good at math, and try to be her manager. Get it in writing now, while she’s still poor.

“Taken Advantage Of” told me that he lent $1,000 to two relatives a while ago, and still hasn’t been paid back yet. He said he’s dropped a few hints, but nothing came out of them yet. What should he do?

First of all, “Taken”, why would you mix family with money in the first place? That’s a huge no-no, everyone knows that. Now, about getting the money back…

Try blasting it on Facebook first. That might shame them into paying you back. If that doesn’t work, go to the nearest biker bar, pay two guys $100 to take a ride with you, and scare your family members to death. You’ll still come out $900 ahead.

If you’d like some great advice, simply write to Shannon Says by going to or and leave a comment.

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