Tuesday, January 31, 2012

In the news...

A lot of folks have asked me about the whole workout regimen. It's going pretty good so far. I've lost a few pounds (not enough), I've been running three times a week, and my heartburn has pretty much gone away. But now it will start getting tougher.
The weather will start getting colder and nastier. I have to start adding more minutes to my run. But the worst thing about trying to be healthy right now is trying to avoid the Girl Scout Cookies. I can only have 1,875 calories a day, which isn't near as much as it sounds. And I'm telling you, I can eat that much in Girl Scout Cookies by lunch time. So the next couple of weeks will be a test.
Let's see, what else is in the news?
I see the GOP debates are going pretty strong now. My guess is that Mitt Romney will be the one to go against President Obama when it's all said and done. But we'll have to see how these Super Packs shake things up. For those that don't know, Super Packs are groups of very, very rich people that can raise all the money they want, in some cases up to $350 million, and use it to back a certain candidate. If they are backing Candidate A, they can say whatever they want to about Candidate B and C, true or not. And Candidate A doesn't have to take responsibility for anything they say, because they aren't really affiliated with them. It's going to make things even dirtier than they usually are, and that's saying something.
This cruise ship running aground off the coast of Italy bothers me a little. My wife and I have been wanting to take a cruise at some point, but now I don't know. I mean, I know it's a freak accident and it will probably never happen again, but still. I'm not a strong swimmer, in fact I can barely swim at all. If things were to go haywire, I know I'd let women and children grab the lifeboats first. But then what? I'd be stuck with one of those silly little orange vests, and an upside down coffee table or something. I've seen Titanic, I know how that situation usually ends up.
And finally, I don't know about you but I'm glad Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos are out of the playoffs. Well actually, I do know about you. Or 40% of you, anyway. ESPN did a poll of Tebow fans, and 40% of them said they believed tthey divine intervention played a role in a few of his wins. Come on, folks.
Despite my wife begging me not to, I poked fun at a few Tebow fans on Facebook. Couldn't help myself. To me there is nothing more fun that jabbing people that are on the far, far right. And that's where most Tebow fans reside.
One lady told me that I had a problem with his religion. I promise, that isn't it. But let me ask you this- what if that were it? Would that be so bad? I am 100% sure that more than a few of his fans like him just because of his religious views, so why can't someone not like him for the same reason? I like sandwiches on wheat bread, my wife likes white bread. That doesn't mean that one of us is a bad person, or we are going to Hell, or anything like that. It just means we are different, that's all. The same should apply to political views, religious views, and Tebow fans.
Half the players in the NFL are religious, two of my three friends are religious, my wife and kids are religious, etc. Religious people don't bother me at all. I'm not a Tebow fan because he isn't very accurate with the football. And as crazy as it sounds, I like my quarterbacks to be accurate.
I'm sure he's a great guy and everything, but I wish people wouldn't build him up so much in that regard. Everytime fans or the public build someone up too high, there is only one way they can go. And then through no fault of their own, they look like hypocrites when the fact is, they are just human. Nobody can live up to the standards that folks have put on some of these celebrities. Everyone has their own Girl Scout Cookie craving that they submit to from time to time.

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